How it works?
After the leachate is redirected into the wetland, it will undergo the pre - treatment system which consists of three tanks: Equalisation Tank, Aeration Lagoons and Sedimentation Tanks. Throughout these processes, suspended particles in the water are removed from the water. After this, the leachate goes through a process called reef beds where the plants take in nutrients from the leachate through the roots. After that, the leachate undergoes its final stage, polishing pond, where more nutrients from the leachate are absorbed.
The water treating process
Does the purified water undergo any other process after the polishing pond?
After the polishing pond, the water does not undergo any other extra process. It is then redirected to the reservoir.
After the water has been treated, it flows back to the reservoir!
What is the quality of water after the polishing pond?
The water after the polishing pond was colourless, odourless and had a Ph value of 7.5. This was something similar to the tapwater we get from our tap everyday. So, the quality of water after the polishing pond is safe and is in good quality.
Is this method effective? Have any country try this before?
This method is effective and eco-friendly. In fact, countries such as USA, USSR, Canada, some parts of Europe are already using this technology and have been benefited.